sexta-feira, 26 de agosto de 2011


Na história do skate, sempre procurei saber um pouco mais, e foi assim que ao ler a matéria que a primeira mulher a se profissionalizar no mundo foi no ano de 1965 e seu nome era Patti Mcgee, 3 anos depois que eu tinha nascido, procurei seu contato, e para minha alegria ela aceitou o meu pedido de amizade no facebook, e hoje me passou as fotos e este video, que com certeza vai trazer muitas lembranças a todos que andaram de skate na decada de 60 e 70.
Patti Mcgee era surfista e começou a andar de skate, andou durante 4 anos na decada de 60 e voltou a andar desde 2001.On the history of skateboarding, I'm always looking to know more about it, so that's how i came to read the article about the first woman to become professional in the world. It was in 1965 and his name was Patti McGee, three years after I was born. I was looking to contact her and To my delight she accepted my request on face book , and today she give me the pictures and movies , of her history that will give many memories to all of skateboarding in the 60 and 70.

Patti McGee was a surfer 1st since 1958 and began to skate in 1962, she Sk8ed for four years in the 60s as a pro. and started to SK8 again 2001 at the age of 55.

For your request Lena about my SK8Board background & a HUGE "SHOUT OUT" to all my friends in Brazil..
Thank YOU {{HUGS}} X~ Patti*
Patti McGee Skateboarding Hall of Fame intro video

Confiram o video:

Patti McGee Skateboarding Hall of Fame intro video from Laurie B on Vimeo.

Patti McGee was the first female inducted into the Skateboarding Hall of Fame on December 4, 2010. This is a short video intro shown that evening.
Fotos: Allan M Perlas
Fonte: Patti Mcgee

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